martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Express their views on marijuana decriminalization.

PRI , PRD and PAN 
Express their views on marijuana decriminalization.

Emilio Gamboa Patrón , parlamentary coordinator of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Patry (PRI) in Mexico' senate salid that the decisión of the supreme court of justice To authorize four people To use marijuana unlashed a necessary and Healthy debate on the decriminalization of personality and exercise of human rights in our country.

However he explained the decisión Only applies to these 
Four people and does not change 
The legislation in forcé , neither the policy 
Against drugs in México.
"Marijuana continúes To be forbidden, simply  because it harms health."

Gamboa added .


The news is page informative, the notice in the city México.

By Rodrigo Iván Ortiz De Roa