lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

After 5 years held by Taliban, Army Sgt. Bergdahl could face life in prison

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for five years and freed in exchange for five detainees in Guantanamo Bay, will face charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy in a general court-martial, the Army announced on Monday. If convicted, Bergdahl could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. The U.S. Army Forces Command charged Bergdahl on March 25 with "desertion with intent to shirk important or hazardous duty" and "misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place." Misbehavior before the enemy was used hundreds of times during World War II, but scholars say its use appears to have dwindled in conflicts since then.

I am Commander ' Eagle' in charge of finding elite and foreign assassins to El Chapo Guzman

Four months after the second escape of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, his name and hunting there against them have passed the backseat of the interests of Mexicans .

Understandable information about how they are looking for is secret and could not wear it a part of daily partial activities. But not mean they are not after him. Federal officials say that today, since they were five minutes to capture two months ago in Tamazula , in the mountains of Durango.

The power of "El Chapo" Guzman has not yet reached the lands of the Islamic State. Photo: Special

According to international media, that after the news spread in our country, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman had threatened the Islamic state after the destruction of a shipment on 10 December.

The news media released by Metro UK, New York Post and Forbes, claimed that the Mexican drug lord wrote to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader and founder of the Islamic State, threatening according to

You are not soldiers. They are nothing but cowards. Your God can not save the real terror that my men will leave them if they are still sticking with my operations. My men destroyed. The world is not what you dictate. "



The site was given the task of tracking the news, this site is dedicated to debunking false news.

The actual source of the news is the page, which is dedicated to making news and satire and humor.

Thug Life Videos published his satirical note on November 30, but was until replied that the spread in international media and news agencies.

Snopes interviewed Steve Charnok, head of satire, who argued about his work:

Write funny stories, 'satire' occasionally we assume are taken as jokes, and usually are ... "

Nobody found any details or sources, only slapped up and within hours was the fifth issue of higher tendency of Twitter, Facebook and dozens all major global news sites. "

This is not the first time that such sites have misled the media with a story.

In October 2015, helped spread the false story 'El Chapo' had put a bounty on the head of the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Korean dance contributes to peace

La danza coreana  contribuye a la paz
                                                Ancient Tradition in Modern Dance is the name of dance show featuring the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Korean immigration to Mexico.

The event will take place next Wednesday at seven o'clock in the afternoon / evening at the Metropolitan Theatre Historical Center. Also involved in organizing the Korea Foundation and the Korean Cultural Center in Mexico, who invite MIKTA 2015 Korean Festival.

The intention also is to bring Ia and disseminate culture and arts of Korea between Ia global audience, and thus contribute to global efforts to ensure the stability and welfare in the world.

The program will be led by Lim Hak Sun Dance WE, one of the most important groups in Korea, specializing in traditional Korean dance Ia, under the artistic direction of Lim Hak Sun precisely who was part of the first generation of choreographers Ia Korean traditional dance.

/ Arm

Metropolis Tomorrow comes into force the new Traffic Regulations in Mexico City

Mañana entra en vigor el nuevo Reglamento de Tránsito en el DFMEXICO CITY The capital's Public Security Secretariat recalled that tomorrow Tuesday, December 15 comes into force the new regulation of vehicular traffic in the city of Mexico, which contains provisions which seeks to improve mobility in the city. The new regulation is to regulate the movement of pedestrians and vehicles on public roads and road safety in the city and is applicable to pedestrians, drivers, passengers and owners of any registered vehicle traveling in the capital territory. Among the provisions establishing the new system emphasizes that from tomorrow Tuesday did not wear seat belts when driving will be grounds for infringement, as well as use the phone or other device while driving. In addition, the maximum speed for driving on primary roads as Reforma, Tlalpan, Insurgentes, Central Axis, among others, will be 50 kilometers per hour and continuing right turns are prohibited. According to the dependence of the city government, 400 thousand local transit police may infraccionar that motorists must wear a distinctive arm with authorized infringement legend. Now the use of road space for pedestrians have priority, especially people with disabilities and limited mobility; cyclists; public transport users; providers of public transport and freight service and private transport users and motorcyclists. The new regulation of transit capital can be consulted at the website, he reminded the Ministry of Public Security of the Federal District (SSPDF) on his Twitter accountSSP_CDMX . Notimex || || / RPE

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015


Chicharito is already among the idols to the extent that the Bundesliga will save a special channel on its website, with the Mexican news reports and even on their football backgrounds in Guadalajara.

Chicharito sweeps the vote of the semi-final of the Bundesliga to meet his idol.
Bayer Leverkusen striker won 63 percent of votes via Twitter with a total of 46.312, above Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich) with 22 percent and 16,172 votes and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (Borussia Dortmund) with 15 percent and 11,027 votes.
Hernandez and advanced to the Final Lewandoswki, unlike Aubameyang. Wednesday the league will announce the two players who also advance to the Final, among other triplet formed by Thomas Müller (Bayern Munich), Shinji Kagawa (Borussia Dortmund) and US Fabian Johnson (Borussia Monchengladbach).

Islamic State

Putin admits that might attack nuclear-armed Islamic state but hopes "never needed"

Kremlin leader said: "Of course, in the fight against terrorism is not necessary to equip these missiles with nuclear warheads, and hopefully never will" .The Russian army says its targets are only the Islamic State, United States complaint Russia takes advantage of the attacks to destroy the rebels who for years claimed that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad leave power.