lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Korean dance contributes to peace

La danza coreana  contribuye a la paz
                                                Ancient Tradition in Modern Dance is the name of dance show featuring the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Korean immigration to Mexico.

The event will take place next Wednesday at seven o'clock in the afternoon / evening at the Metropolitan Theatre Historical Center. Also involved in organizing the Korea Foundation and the Korean Cultural Center in Mexico, who invite MIKTA 2015 Korean Festival.

The intention also is to bring Ia and disseminate culture and arts of Korea between Ia global audience, and thus contribute to global efforts to ensure the stability and welfare in the world.

The program will be led by Lim Hak Sun Dance WE, one of the most important groups in Korea, specializing in traditional Korean dance Ia, under the artistic direction of Lim Hak Sun precisely who was part of the first generation of choreographers Ia Korean traditional dance.

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