lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Metropolis Tomorrow comes into force the new Traffic Regulations in Mexico City

Mañana entra en vigor el nuevo Reglamento de Tránsito en el DFMEXICO CITY The capital's Public Security Secretariat recalled that tomorrow Tuesday, December 15 comes into force the new regulation of vehicular traffic in the city of Mexico, which contains provisions which seeks to improve mobility in the city. The new regulation is to regulate the movement of pedestrians and vehicles on public roads and road safety in the city and is applicable to pedestrians, drivers, passengers and owners of any registered vehicle traveling in the capital territory. Among the provisions establishing the new system emphasizes that from tomorrow Tuesday did not wear seat belts when driving will be grounds for infringement, as well as use the phone or other device while driving. In addition, the maximum speed for driving on primary roads as Reforma, Tlalpan, Insurgentes, Central Axis, among others, will be 50 kilometers per hour and continuing right turns are prohibited. According to the dependence of the city government, 400 thousand local transit police may infraccionar that motorists must wear a distinctive arm with authorized infringement legend. Now the use of road space for pedestrians have priority, especially people with disabilities and limited mobility; cyclists; public transport users; providers of public transport and freight service and private transport users and motorcyclists. The new regulation of transit capital can be consulted at the website, he reminded the Ministry of Public Security of the Federal District (SSPDF) on his Twitter accountSSP_CDMX . Notimex || || / RPE

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